April 12 is the International Day of Pink, dedicated to fighting bullying, homophobia, transphobia, and anti-2SLGBTQ+ efforts worldwide. The International Day of Pink began in 2007 in a high school in Nova Scotia after two senior students witnessed a young student being harassed with homophobic remarks for wearing a pink shirt to school. International Day of Pink reminds us of the power of standing together and standing up for one another when faced with discrimination, hate, and adversity. The CTRC has compiled a list of resources to support your learning journey and support you in supporting those around you.
Speak Truth to Power Canada is an organization that offers lesson plans on a variety of human rights topics, including gender and sexual diversity.
Gender Diversity offers resources and webinars on gender diversity and trans-inclusive approaches for schools and workplaces.
The Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity offers quick and comprehensive resources for all ages and backgrounds.
They She He Me: Free To Be by Maya and Matthew Gonzalez
If You’re a Kid Like Gavin: The True Story of a Young Trans Activist by Gavin Grimm and Kyle Lukoff
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